Friday, May 13, 2011


So does everyone know who Wywatch is? If not, please check out their website here.

These are the whackadoodles that filled the Wyoming Capital with prayer vigils during the last legislative session. I would sit by them in committee meetings and in the house and senate chambers as they would read their bibles,  bow their heads in prayer, cling to their rosary beads, and lecture me about how I could convert to a moral straight life style thus avoiding an eternity of burning in hell.  They blocked the tunnel between the capital and the Herschler Building for an anti abortion rally, and filled committee rooms with people to testify on the perils of sin.

These are the people that called  the LGTB community a bunch of diseased, drug using, unhealthy, unnatural, perverted, deviant, dry rotting, evil, pushy, sinners.. and believe me that list only scratches the surface. They would preach to and lecture law makers while citing such well renowned publications as the "Journal of Anti-Homosexuality." I know I'm a big fan!

Anyway, they all view themselves as "Honorable Republicans," Luckily, many Republicans stood against them but these Republicans are now targets for replacement because they weren't conservative enough.

Here's a letter WyWatch just sent out to the Republican Central Committee Members and all Wyoming Republican Legislators;

May 10, 2011 

Dear Honorable Republican: 

The purpose of this correspondence is to assess the strength of the conservative movement in the Wyoming Republican Party. We believe it is desirable and possible to create a Wyoming where Republicans stand united behind the conservative platform passed at the 2010 GOP State Convention in Sheridan. Many believe that this is the most conservative platform passed in many years and conclude that the Republican Party in Wyoming is becoming more conservative. This is supported by the fact we have a Republican Governor and many more Republican legislators than we have had in the past. Granted, some of these Republicans are more conservative than others. 

If we are to continue to move the state away from the many progressive trends that we see, we must elect people who support this conservative movement. In fact, our party platform states in the Preamble, “We remind our elected and appointed officials that these are the terms under which they exercise power which we have lent them.” 

The conclusion of the 2010 party platform makes this statement: “Upon these principals, the Wyoming Republican Party stands. These are the Principals of morality, liberty, law, society, education, free enterprise, justice and decency upon which this Nation has prospered and to which this Wyoming Republican Party is committed.” 

Do you agree that the Party Platform establishes the terms under which elected and appointed officials exercise their power? 

Do you agree with the principles enumerated in the Party Platform? 


If you do not respond within 30 days of the date of this correspondence, you will be counted as answering NO to both of the above questions. 

We will use the information we gather from this correspondence to communicate the importance of electing Republicans to office that adhere to the principles that the conservative movement has set in motion in the great state of Wyoming.  As the conservative movement grows and progresses, not only across the state of Wyoming, but the country as well, we hope to continue to encourage Republicans to unite and stand together behind candidates that will uphold the 2010 Republican Party Platforms.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

WyWatch PAC
Board of Directors

AH HA!!! I knew it! If you've followed my blog posts the last few days (aside from a break up) you know I was questioning the WY Republican Platform and in particular who wrote all those things about Republicans.  Sure doesn't sound like the Republicans I know.

Bottom line, I don't care what your religious beliefs are, but whatever you believe, it doesn't belong in politics! We need to be reminded of the1st Amendment and separation of church and state! The only thing that these folks have as a basis for their case is the bible. Why are lawmakers even giving them the time of day? Could you imagine if a Muslim were up at the Wyoming Capital lobbying for legislation based on the teachings of the Koran?? How far do you think they'd get?

So are these extreme right wing groups taking over the WYGOP? Whatever happened to the ideals of small unobtrusive government? Once again I asked my Republican friends, does WyWatch represent you? They think they do, and if you push back against them, they want you gone!


1 comment:

  1. I have been trying to step out of politics for a while - continue to follow your blog though. Strong, true Republicans will not be bullied by this group and the "whackadoodles" you refer to clearly only have so much pull... for now. Hopefully the true GOP will fight back and keep promoting the ideals of the party, not this rubbish full of hate and ideological nonsense.
