Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What's up Newt?

Boy has this been a rough week for Newt, and it's only Wednesday!

Tuesday night Newt was "glitter bombed" by a gay rights protester. While personally I think pulling these kinds of stunts does more harm than good, I did have to chuckle at this video, especially listening to what Newt's security detail told these buffoon's at the end of the clip.

On Monday a voter from Iowa gave the former speaker a piece of his mind for criticizing the Paul Ryan Budget, luckily it was caught on camera! ;)  Newt apologized Tuesday for calling the budget proposal "radical" and a piece of "right-wing engineering." Sorry to see you back pedal Newt, I actually agree with you on that one!

Tuesday also brought revelations that at one time Newt was indebted to Tiffany's for at least $250k. Apparently Newt is a bit of bling bling man. I certainly can't fault him for that! Hmmm.. I wonder if he actually liked the "glitter bombing?"

Wow... is she real or is she plastic??  Anyway, hang in there Newt! Like you said, "It's early in the campaign, a lot can happen!"

And remember, Glitter is the Herpes of craft supplies!



  1. Damn! That is soooooo funny!

  2. A quote from a friend of mine, "Taste the rainbow, Newt! " if only it had been Skittles instead of glitter!
