Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Stop Making Sh!t Up About Me!!

If there is one thing I really hate, it's people saying stuff about me that isn't true. Growing up in Wheatland WY I've been gossiped about my entire life, and while I do find myself in precarious situations from time to time, nothing makes me angrier than people saying things that are downright deceitful, hurtful, malicious and untruthful!

Please check out this website Republican vs. Democrat this is what the Wyoming Republican Party posted on their public website! After reading this I am happy to announce I am switching parties, because who in their right mind, would subscribe to all the things that they claim Democrats represent and are standing for.

On party vs party;
Democrats believe each person's rights can be sacrificed to the assumed needs of the group. Democrats place less emphasis on individual enterprise and initiative and prefer government "programs," such as the failed forty-year "War on Poverty."

On government and being governed;
Democrats believe a centralized power in Washington should control and direct our lives, with secondary consideration for the rights of individual citizens and communities. This has led to increasingly more federal controls and regimentation, often in the hands of un-elected bureaucrats, causing a severe erosion of local government power across the country

on foreign policy;
Democrats vacillate between extreme isolationism, intervention and confrontation tactics in relation to countries such as Vietnam, Cuba and Korea. Such inconsistent foreign policy confuses our allies and encourages our potential enemies. 

on the economy
Democrats believe the economy is too complicated to be left to free enterprise alone, and therefore must be subjected to ever-increasing controls by the federal government. Democrats say we are "entering an era of limitations" and therefore must lower our individual economic expectations. Democrats see the economy as a fixed pie to be sliced up for special interests, rather than as a pie than can be made bigger by the industriousness and innovation of Americans unfettered by ill-conceived government regulations.

on govn't spending and taxes;
Democrats believe the federal government knows how and where to spend money for local needs better than elected community leaders, and federal bureaucrats should continue to control the flow of funds to the states and localities and dictate how the taxpayer s money will be spent.

on the future;
Democrats believe in a powerful, centralized bureaucracy aimed at solving local and nation problems from the top down—a method that has failed everywhere it has been tried throughout history.

So Democrats.... does that accurately describe you?  I want to know if this makes you as angry as it did me? I want all my Republican friends to read this next paragraph and let me know if it accurately describes your entire party.....

"All Republicans want to keep the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman. They also would make every abortion in this country illegal. Republicans stand for big corporations that have complete disregard for the environment; they all want to give Exxon Mobile a $400 billion subsidy even after they reported record profits. All Republicans refuse to acknowledge global warming! They view our role in the world as one of a bully, and push for constant war as the "world cop." They would like a free for all on Wall Street with no regulations at all for the financial industry. Finally, they aim to drive down incomes of the middle class and would ultimately like to see America with two classes of people, high and low!"

Look, I'm not anti Republican. Browse through my Facebook pictures and you'll see me standing arm and arm with some great Republican Legislators. However when they try and paint me into a corner with a bunch of negative B.S. then I'm going to push back! I don't stand for all the view points cited on their website and that doesn't accurately describe my Democratic friends mentalities either! I think both parties have more than their fair share of wingnuts, but trying to paint us all with that brush is wrong and deceitful!!

I'm not done talking about this!!



  1. Jeran!! Go Libertarian!!! The only thing I dislike worse than staunch Republicans are staunch Democrats. But not by much...

  2. I am anti-republican. Sorry but it is true. A Republican stands for almost everything I think is true to the pure root of evil. Selfishness, money hungry, hypocracy, unwillingness to help mankind and their fellow man, intentially being deceitful, outright lying, intentially being inactive and profering from their political positions (both parties are guilty of this, but the Repubs appear to get caught more frequently), anti-gay even though they are secretly sucking dick in an airport bathroom stall, anti-abortion even though they would probably encourage their staffers to "take care of it" if they accidentally knocked them up, etc. etc. And the NO 1 biggest issue I have with a majority of Republicans: They will tell you what their beliefs are assuming you are one of them by sending out emails that are blatently inflammatory, even throwing out a political pun in public assuming you are in total agreement. The list goes on and on.

    Now this isn't to say I hate Republican people, I just think our country is so very ignorant when it comes to what the platform of their party is - apparently gaining that knoweledge from the Wyoming Republican Party website.

  3. It isn't the staunch aspect of either party that I dislike, it's the lies and the hypocrisy

    I am a proud Wyoming Democrat and I DO NOT "believe each person's rights can be sacrificed to the assumed needs of the group." NOR DO I "place less emphasis on individual enterprise and initiative and prefer government 'programs'".

    And I am proud to be a walking, talking poster child for the positive outcome of government programs that give a hand up to those in need.

    I DO NOT "believe a centralized power in Washington should control and direct our lives, with secondary consideration for the rights of individual citizens and communities."

    It is in fact the Republican party that wants to control the most private aspect of our lives, like who we can or cannot marry, and what discussions we can have with my physician.

  4. Republicans love Big Gubment when it meets their theocratic agenda. As we see with the Republicans' new efforts to revamp the tax codes to use the IRS to punish women using their own health care plans to pay for abortions. Hey Repubs -- keep the gubment out of our personal bizness.
