Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cry baby Santorum says he's being bullied????

Presidential candidate Rick Santorum is saying that his campaign has been victimized by bullying after "Saturday Night Live" ran a parody of a GOP Presidential debate. His quote, "We've been hammered by the left for my standing up for the the traditional family and I will continue to do so. The left, unfortunately, participates in bullying more than the right does. They say that they're tolerant, and they're anything but tolerant of people who disagree with them and support traditional values."

You can watch the skit here.

What has Rick Santorum said about the gay community?? Well, I'm so glad you asked... In 2003 he compared homosexuality to incest, bigamy, adultery, and polygamy. In a recent interview with Chris Wallace he said gays couldn't compare the equality movement with the civil rights movement because "blacks can't help the color of their skin," thus implying gays could choose their sexual orientation. He's also said the repeal of DADT was nothing more than "social experimentation."

Here's a lovely video of Santorum debating a school girl about children who grow up with same sex parents;

I'm sure he feels "bullied" by this student; and in my opinion he should!! This is about as good of a verbal "ass whooping" as I've ever seen a student give a U.S. Senator.

When you have some time you should search youtube for all the other things he's said, and continues to say, about gay's and marriage equality. Upon a little search history it becomes quite clear who the actual bully is!

Santorum's comments about gay's are mean spirited, hurtful, and flat out untrue. In fact if he were an organization Southern Poverty Law Center would list him as a hate group. Those kinds of comments are what get most organizations officially listed as a hate group.

Bottom line, save your sniveling for someone who actually gives a crap! I would like to know how many children or adults are staying in the closet or contemplating suicide because of the comments you've made about gay people??

You sir, are a bully and a jackass!!!


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