Saturday, April 16, 2011

Skinny Jeans

So.... I got on the scale this morning and freaked out a little bit! I've heard of the "new relationship 20" but didn't think it would happen to me.  Last summer I hit my goal weight after several years of exercising, eating right, and trying to live a healthier lifestyle.

Lately I've been more lax about exercising, haven't watched my diet like I should, (Landon could live on chicken fingers and french fries, and often does, I don't know how the little shit stays so skinny!) and didn't really notice anything until I stepped into my favorite jeans and went..... "oh my!"

This morning the scale showed I was up about 15 pounds from where I was last August. I don't thinks it's terribly noticeable, but here's how I feel;

Hi Ho Hi Ho, back to the gym I go! Back to healthy eating. Back to getting strong again. I've come to accept that I'm never going to have a body like this;

But that's ok. I know where my body is comfortable and even if I don't look like this, at least I feel like it most of the time.

So the next time you see me feel free to ask how the little weight loss thing is going! I'm big on accountability and if I know my friends are watching, I'll be more motivated.


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