Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How do you eat an Elephant?

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!

Simple but effective! So what is the best way to eat this elephant that is the U.S. deficit?

I find it interesting how brazen a few of our legislative friends are about defending more tax cuts for the rich in this debate. If you get a chance you should watch Michele Bachmann's interview on Good Morning America. When asked about recent polling that shows 72% of Americans favor a tax hike for people making over $250k per year, first she says this is not really how American's feel, and then goes on to say.... well... "It's just not enough."

She also says taking all of the profits from Fortune 500 companies isn't enough, and taking all of the assets of U.S. billionaires isn't enough. My response to Ms. Bachmann.... No Shit Sherlock! I don't think anyone expects the deficit to be resolved in one fell swoop; but wouldn't this be a bite out of the elephant?

I'm no math wiz but don't hundreds of billions of dollars eventually add up to a trillion dollars? Does she think we're stupid? Just like her colleague Cynthia Lummis, Wyoming's esteemed member of the U.S. House of Representatives, here we have yet another member of congress trying to sell us on the idea that it is better to cut Medicare than to raise taxes on the wealthy. Do you believe her? Does this make sense to you?

Here's an interesting group of folks, these 45 millionaires sent a letter to President Obama asking him to allow the Bush Era Tax Cuts to expire. They call themselves "The Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength." Many have called this group a bunch of idiots, but I ask you, who would you rather have making decisions about the deficit; millionaires who want an even bigger tax cut for themselves or millionaires who want to pay their fair share? Seems like a no brainer to me!


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