Sunday, April 3, 2011

Get a Job!!

Every once in awhile you need to take a short little break from life and recharge your batteries. Maintaining your sanity is important, some would argue I lost mine years ago, but I’ve found taking short little get away trips every once in awhile does a great deal to restoring my peace of mind.

Friday Landon and I went to Denver to celebrate our six month anniversary. I wanted to take a day and do a whole lot of nothin! I enjoyed not worrying about work or politics but rather focusing on good food and yummy wine. One of my personal mottos is “Life’s too short to drink bad wine!”

So I was excited to come back with a clear head and pick up the last few days newspapers and see what I had missed. One very bright spot was a feature about my friend Joanne Kennedy’s new book “Cowboy Fever.” I can’t wait to read it, and I wish Joanne tremendous success with this book as well as the other romance novels she is currently working on. Joanne is one of the kindest, sweetest, compassionate persons that I know, and if anyone deserves a great degree of success it is most definitely her!

I was also extremely excited to see the Wyoming Tribune Eagle’s lead story today calling out five Republican house members on being a bunch of hypocrites! These five members voted against Cathy Connolly’s bill that would have brought over $38 million dollars of federal money into the state for unemployment; $24 million for more than 4,500 workers and another $14.2 million going for training the unemployed and helping them to find jobs. WY lawmakers said “no thanks” by a 34-25 vote.

They said they viewed it as a disincentive to WY workers in finding new jobs.  “We’re not doing people much of a favor by keeping them on a welfare check for any length of time.” Thank you Rep. John Eklund Jr. of Cheyenne for helping send this message to a bunch of worthless, lazy bums who are obviously only out to milk the system for a few bucks. We need to ignore the fact that we have just experienced the worst economic cycle since the great depression, and tell our unemployed citizens to quit being a bunch of cry babies!

Oh, I almost forgot, a little side note… these five representatives along with Governor Mead accepted almost $2 million dollars in federal subsidies personally over the last few years. Representatives John Eklund Jr, R-Cheyenne, Hans Hunt, R-Newcastle, Lorriane Quarberg, R-Thermopolis, Mark Semlek, R-Moorcroft, Matt Teeters, R-Lingle were cited as the worst offenders.  Matt Teeters representing my home town was the worst, his farm/ranch operation collected over $989,000 since 1995. I don’t care who you are, that is a lot of money!

My point is these folks are a bunch of hypocrites! What’s good enough for me is not necessarily good enough for my constituents! I’ll take the money because it’s for my farm and you can’t have any because you need to find a job! This kind of crap makes me livid, and I hope it makes your blood boil as well! This is very similar to Rep. Lisa Shepperson going on the Rachel Maddow show and saying keep the government out of our personal lives, but only to the extent that effects me personally. She was talking about defeating an intrusive abortion bill, but turned around a few days later and voted in favor of HB74 and bringing the government into our bedrooms.

We have got to remember these names and hold these folks accountable for their actions! This is not ok! These double standards have got to stop! We can’t forget what these folks are doing to Wyoming. I don’t think they have any of our best interests at heart!


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