Monday, April 25, 2011

Cynthia Lummis Responds

I hope everyone had a chance to read Saturday's paper. In particular Cynthia Lummis' piece on the opinion page titled "We must now confront America's debt crisis." I want to dissect a few of her comments and I'd love to hear what you think about them as well. First thing that caught my eye;
  • "if Washington continues the status quo, the Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, the backbone of Medicare coverage, will go broke by 2020.."  Mrs. Lummis you are the Washington status quo! I find it very amusing that use "Washington status quo" in such a negative way! Do you want us to ignore the fact that you've been a politician for over 30 years?
  • "the President's answer to Medicare's exploding costs is to launch partisan attack, propose to raise our taxes..." Actually no, he didn't propose to raise "our" taxes. In fact the only taxes he wants to raise are on people who make more than $250k per year. People like you with large incomes and people with net-worths in the 10's of millions of dollars. Why did you omit this very important fact? Painting the Presidents plan as one that aims to raise taxes on all Americans is misleading, in fact it's a down right lie!
  • I'm glad Rep. Lummis opened up the fact that proposing these drastic changes could subject her up to "cowardly political attacks" and she went on to say exposing her strategy to cut Medicare is nothing but a "scare tactic." Well I'm sorry Mrs Lummis but I think dismantling Medicare is a scary thing! Especially when there are so many other options on the table. Options that you refuse to talk about!
  • In conclusion she basically said  that questioning her strategies were nothing but "dishonest discussions (that would) pander to their 2012 election-year hopes." Well.... you're right about one thing I hope we can find someone with more common sense and more practical solutions to the deficit rather than the extreme measures you're proposing. 
Can you please explain to me why you've chosen to reduce the deficit by cutting these social programs and why are you so adamant about the rich and super wealthy getting another tax break? Common sense would seem to dictate that this is not the time to give the super rich a tax cut. Recent polling  shows over 70% of Americans agree with me.

Look, I'm not saying that balancing the budget and cutting the deficit is going to be easy. I know it's going to be hard and I know as Americans we are going to have to make sacrifices. But before we gut Medicare and Medicaid, lets at  least look at the wealthiest individuals in this country, and also look at asking our biggest businesses in America to pay their fair share, rather than giving them more tax cuts and subsidies.

This week we will hear from big oil companies regarding their quarterly profits. The profit reports are estimated to be "record breaking!" Your budget plan would also give them a tax break????? WHY???? I just don't understand your logic here!!! Can someone please explain to me why this makes sense for America?

Very frustrated,


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