Monday, February 28, 2011

Civil Unions... hmmm

If I hear one more legislator tell me they don't support gay marriage but would be ok with civil unions; I'm probably going to throw up! Even the Cheyenne paper came out with an editorial yesterday saying how civil unions would be peachy.

I have mixed emotions about this. I have a handful of gay friends that say this would be a wonderful compromise and a step in the right direction; and I have a handful of friends that won't rest until they can have a full blown marriage to their same sex partner.

I agree with both, (I’m starting to sound like a politician now.) I think civil unions are indeed a step in the right direction; however I also believe as a US Citizen I have the right to get married to my same sex partner should I choose to do so. Personaly I view civil unions as a modern day "seperate but equal" for gay people.

And by the way, what is a civil union anyway? I've heard some people call it a Justice of the Peace style wedding without the pomp and circumstance. I've heard people say it's exactly the same thing as a marriage without the title. Seems to be some confusion about what exactly a civil union would entail.

Rep. Cathy Connolly introduced a civil union bill in this legislative session. Her bill would have given people an opportunity to enter into a civil union and have every single right afforded to straight marriages; however it wouldn't be called a marriage it would simply be called a "civil union." Most states that have granted civil unions have done exactly what Cathy tried to do.

Cathy's bill didn't make it out of the House Judiciary Committee. The WyWatchers were there in all their glory telling the house members this was an evil and deceptive slippery slope and nothing but gay marriage in sheep’s clothing. Even Rep Peasley voted against it; after just saying he would support civil unions on the house floor the day earlier.

So Legislators, give me a break! Don’t tell me this to simply patronize me. You had your chance and failed!

I had a chance to visit with Cathy about this Saturday at the Nellie Tayloe Ross dinner; we had a good chuckle about all the grand standing and Academy Award Winning performances given about civil unions. We agreed another civil union bill might come about next session or more likely the following session. If the Republicans could introduce something, even if the wording were to mirror Cathy's wording, we might possibly stand a chance of this making it to the floor to get voted on.

I will be waiting on pins and needles!


Sunday, February 27, 2011

could this nightmare be over tomorrow?

It looks like the vote will come tomorrow on HB74.  Both the house and senate will vote on the compromise made by last weeks conference committee.

So what's the latest? I'm hearing more and more people are hating this bill and for different reasons. I was at the Nellie Tayloe Ross dinner last night and my attorney friends are saying this bill will never fly in its current form because the conference committee really f*#!ed up the language.

My friends at the ACLU say the wording will be a slam dunk for an unconstitutional challenge; and have already started searching for possible plaintiff's.

Legislators are confused as to what this new wording actually says. Who does this include? Who does this exclude? I've learned over the last few weeks.... never assume the legislator you're targeting fully understands the bill. As a lobbyist we must also wear the teacher hat at times.

And of course the LGTB community views it as hateful and extremely discriminatory!

Bottom line; I don't care why you hate it, as long as you hate it! Pick any of the above reasons and contact your legislators and tell them to vote no!!

I hope when the gavel falls on tomorrows session we can finally be done with HB74!! I'm tired of this and I know you are too. However, if this passes and we need to go to the Governor, then that's what we will do!

I look at the make-up of this legislature and can't believe we've come as far as we have! The end is in sight my friends and I like the way it looks!! We need to make this final push to put the "nail in the coffin!"


Saturday, February 26, 2011

How do you not take this personally???

I've had many of my straight friends ask me recently "How do you do this and stay sane?" They are talking about all the mean spirited, hateful, and downright disgusting things that are being said about gay people. I've sat through committee meetings up at the capital and listened to people call me unnatural, disease spreading, drug using, unhealthy, going to die early... and so many other things that are very uncomfortable to talk about.

The same things are being expressed almost daily in letters to the editor throughout Wyoming newspapers. Most all of these people professing to be Christians and standing up for God's will. All the meanwhile I sit through their testimony in my suit and tie and try and keep my composure. I try and keep a straight face, and after the committee meeting when they come up to me with a smile on their face, and want to shake my hand; I resist the urge to start screaming at them and calling them bigots, homophobes, uneducated... blah, blah, blah.

Yesterday Newt Gingrich came out and said Obama could be impeached when he announced the Department of Justice will stop defending DOMA. Are you kidding me?? Newt Gingrich of all people, who's own infidelity made national headlines for weeks and weeks just a few years ago. I've also been told about one Wyoming Legislator who is very outspoken about upholding the sanctity of marriage, that can often be seen slinking around with his "secret" girlfriend.

These kinds of people make me sick! And I hope most people see them for the hypocrites that they are! I keep asking "why are you fighting so hard to keep this sanctimonious and holy right exclusively between a man and a woman?" My friend Will recently said on one of his Facebook posts... Gay people should be allowed to get married for money, insurance, love, or any other reason... just like straight people can!

Until that day comes I will keep fighting! I will savor little victories, like the one yesterday when SJ5 died a nice quiet death. However I am human, and what people don't see are the days I come home and cry like a baby. I wonder if these people really knew me, would they honestly want to deny me rights that most people take for granted?

So.....I will continue to take the high road, and I will continue to lobby and show up at the capital with a smile on my face.  I will continue to shake hands with people that think I'm an abomination and headed straight to hell. I believe there are brighter days ahead. I believe one day I will be allowed to marry the man of my dreams. I believe one day this fight we are fighting will be viewed as a "black eye" in American politics. I will stay strong!!


Friday, February 25, 2011

SJ5 is officially dead!! We made a difference!!

My dear friends,

We can sit back today with the satisfaction of knowing that SJ5, the DOMA legislation, that would have put marriage to a vote by Wyoming Citizens is not going to rear its ugly head again... well at least for this session!

All our hard work in the form of the endless emails, strategy sessions, lobbying efforts and phone calls have paid off!! This is huge!!! think about;

  • The legislature is made up of 76 Republicans and 14 Democrats.
  • 30 other states have DOMA legislation in place.

Our adversaries at WYWatch thought this was going to be a slam dunk this year, especially after the November election went overwhelmingly in their favor.

This is obviously not a completely partisan issue, I have always said this a matter of right vs. wrong! How else could we claim victory in this battle? Our lobbying efforts clearly made a huge difference! We really need to send Rep. Tom Lubnau (majority floor leader,) a thank you email for not bringing this legislation to the house floor. The votes simply weren't there, and he knew it!

Personally, I have tears in my eyes thinking about all the amazing people that helped bring about this victory. Especially all our straight allies, that this legislation would never impact; who stood with us, and marched and rallied by our sides!

Now... before we pop the bubbly, we need to make sure HB74 is also defeated! The vote is probably coming Monday. We need to let this victory recharge our batteries and go after 74 knowing our voices are being heard loud and clear up at the Capital!!

Here's looking forward to the end of next week when we will hopefully have 74 lying right along side 5... in the bowels of hell where they belong!!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Action Alert!!

The conference committee did not meet this morning. Senator Hicks told me they had not had a chance to come up with any ideas or wording that they would like to add to HB74 as of yet; so it was postponed until 4pm this afternoon (after adjournment.) I said “I thought that’s what the meeting was for this morning??” But obviously when they meet they want to know exactly what needs to be inserted into this bill. I guess I wouldn’t even call it a meeting, more of an announcement!

I had a chance to visit with some of our allies in the house and senate and we agreed that the best way to kill this thing is to take action in the senate. If we can hold all 14 no votes from the last reading and get Sen. Landen back on our side this thing will be done for good. (at least for this session.) Sounds easy, but here’s what we need to keep in mind…

• Sen. Landen will vote against this if the current civil union language comes out of the wording in this bill. I think it will, but we won’t know until the conference committee makes their “announcement” this afternoon. Casper friends, be all over him like white on rice on a paper plate in the middle of winter!

• We can’t take the other 14 votes for granted! They are under a lot of pressure from party leaders to get this thing passed! Everyone is sick and tired of this bill and it’s getting easier for these guys to say yes vs. putting up with all the flack of saying no.

• The vote in both chambers could come as early as tomorrow morning once this comes out of conference committee, so we need emails now, even though we don’t know the wording of the bill yet. Continue all the previous talking points.

Please send email to these Senators thanking them for standing up for civil rights and doing the right thing by voting no the first time on HB74, and please continue to vote no on this legislation regardless of how this bill comes out of conference committee.

Sen. Driskill--
Sen. Emerich--
Sen. Esquibel--
Sen. Rothfuss--
Sen. Nicholas--
Sen. Martin--
Sen. Hastert--
Sen. Christensen--
Sen. Coe--
Sen. Burns--
Sen. Schiffer--
Sen. Vonflatern--
Sen. Case--
Sen. Scott--

Everyone please email Sen. Landen,, even if you don’t live in Natrona County and ask him to vote no on HB74.

Senators Case, Martin, Rothfuss, Hastert, and Esquibel should all be solidly on our side no matter what.

So what about the House? Unfortunately we don’t think this has a chance of getting killed in the house. That being said, please email the house members if you have time and ask them to vote against this legislation. If you want a list of Reps to target let me know.

We have worked so hard and come so far we can’t give up now!! Stay Strong! We can do this!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Conference Committee Members have been selected.

Here are the members of the conference committee that will be working on HB 74. They are suppose to meet tomorrow morning.



In my opinion this committee will not be conflicted at all on what to do about HB74, the civil union language will simply come out. Sen. Esquibel and Rep. Roscoe are going to be solidly in our corner and the other four are going to be solidly against us.

I would like to note that I've heard Sen. Hicks say to a lobbyist that he would support civil unions he just doesn't want same sex marriage... my prediction, watch him back pedal so quickly it'll make our heads spin! Much like Rep. Peasley did when he actually had a chance to vote for a civil unions bill Cathy Connolly sponsored (I guess he just changed his mind from what he said on the house floor the day before.)

Anyway, we keep working both the house and the senate and target all the people we've been targeting. I would like to hold all 14 senators that voted against it on third reading and try and persuade Sen. Landen to come back to our side of the fence.

More tomorrow after the meeting..... Jeran

The Latest on HB74

Yesterday the WY House voted to not concur with the senate’s amendment attached last week to HB74. So what does that mean?? (Boy am I learning a lot about politics!)

Sometime today, probably before noon, a conference committee will be announced. This committee will be made of three senators and three representatives. Four will be supporters of the bill and two will be selected because of their no vote. Most of us think they will pick two no votes that are viewed as “weak” and “swayable.”

So once we know who these committee members are we can start bombarding them with emails! I’m finding we are all getting very good at that. And it will be important to act quickly as the committee will meet quickly, possibly as soon as tonight.

Then, the committee may agree to changes that they feel would be palatable for the house and senate to swallow; and this thing would again go back to the house and senate for concurrence by all members. Or, what I’m hoping for, the committee can’t agree on changes and this monster dies!

In its current form everybody hates this bill! Even our… ahem… friends at WYWatch hate this bill. Seems funny to be asking for the same things they’re asking for, even though our reasoning’s are night and day.

Some are ready to start bombarding the Governor’s office with letters and emails; I personally think this is just a bit premature. I think we will know so much more in 24 hours; that we owe it to ourselves and the Governor to not waste time, just yet, on things that may not come to pass. If you disagree, by all means hit up Mr. Mead, but I’m going to wait just a bit longer to see where these chips are going to fall.
