Thursday, February 24, 2011

Action Alert!!

The conference committee did not meet this morning. Senator Hicks told me they had not had a chance to come up with any ideas or wording that they would like to add to HB74 as of yet; so it was postponed until 4pm this afternoon (after adjournment.) I said “I thought that’s what the meeting was for this morning??” But obviously when they meet they want to know exactly what needs to be inserted into this bill. I guess I wouldn’t even call it a meeting, more of an announcement!

I had a chance to visit with some of our allies in the house and senate and we agreed that the best way to kill this thing is to take action in the senate. If we can hold all 14 no votes from the last reading and get Sen. Landen back on our side this thing will be done for good. (at least for this session.) Sounds easy, but here’s what we need to keep in mind…

• Sen. Landen will vote against this if the current civil union language comes out of the wording in this bill. I think it will, but we won’t know until the conference committee makes their “announcement” this afternoon. Casper friends, be all over him like white on rice on a paper plate in the middle of winter!

• We can’t take the other 14 votes for granted! They are under a lot of pressure from party leaders to get this thing passed! Everyone is sick and tired of this bill and it’s getting easier for these guys to say yes vs. putting up with all the flack of saying no.

• The vote in both chambers could come as early as tomorrow morning once this comes out of conference committee, so we need emails now, even though we don’t know the wording of the bill yet. Continue all the previous talking points.

Please send email to these Senators thanking them for standing up for civil rights and doing the right thing by voting no the first time on HB74, and please continue to vote no on this legislation regardless of how this bill comes out of conference committee.

Sen. Driskill--
Sen. Emerich--
Sen. Esquibel--
Sen. Rothfuss--
Sen. Nicholas--
Sen. Martin--
Sen. Hastert--
Sen. Christensen--
Sen. Coe--
Sen. Burns--
Sen. Schiffer--
Sen. Vonflatern--
Sen. Case--
Sen. Scott--

Everyone please email Sen. Landen,, even if you don’t live in Natrona County and ask him to vote no on HB74.

Senators Case, Martin, Rothfuss, Hastert, and Esquibel should all be solidly on our side no matter what.

So what about the House? Unfortunately we don’t think this has a chance of getting killed in the house. That being said, please email the house members if you have time and ask them to vote against this legislation. If you want a list of Reps to target let me know.

We have worked so hard and come so far we can’t give up now!! Stay Strong! We can do this!


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