Saturday, February 26, 2011

How do you not take this personally???

I've had many of my straight friends ask me recently "How do you do this and stay sane?" They are talking about all the mean spirited, hateful, and downright disgusting things that are being said about gay people. I've sat through committee meetings up at the capital and listened to people call me unnatural, disease spreading, drug using, unhealthy, going to die early... and so many other things that are very uncomfortable to talk about.

The same things are being expressed almost daily in letters to the editor throughout Wyoming newspapers. Most all of these people professing to be Christians and standing up for God's will. All the meanwhile I sit through their testimony in my suit and tie and try and keep my composure. I try and keep a straight face, and after the committee meeting when they come up to me with a smile on their face, and want to shake my hand; I resist the urge to start screaming at them and calling them bigots, homophobes, uneducated... blah, blah, blah.

Yesterday Newt Gingrich came out and said Obama could be impeached when he announced the Department of Justice will stop defending DOMA. Are you kidding me?? Newt Gingrich of all people, who's own infidelity made national headlines for weeks and weeks just a few years ago. I've also been told about one Wyoming Legislator who is very outspoken about upholding the sanctity of marriage, that can often be seen slinking around with his "secret" girlfriend.

These kinds of people make me sick! And I hope most people see them for the hypocrites that they are! I keep asking "why are you fighting so hard to keep this sanctimonious and holy right exclusively between a man and a woman?" My friend Will recently said on one of his Facebook posts... Gay people should be allowed to get married for money, insurance, love, or any other reason... just like straight people can!

Until that day comes I will keep fighting! I will savor little victories, like the one yesterday when SJ5 died a nice quiet death. However I am human, and what people don't see are the days I come home and cry like a baby. I wonder if these people really knew me, would they honestly want to deny me rights that most people take for granted?

So.....I will continue to take the high road, and I will continue to lobby and show up at the capital with a smile on my face.  I will continue to shake hands with people that think I'm an abomination and headed straight to hell. I believe there are brighter days ahead. I believe one day I will be allowed to marry the man of my dreams. I believe one day this fight we are fighting will be viewed as a "black eye" in American politics. I will stay strong!!


1 comment:

  1. Wow Jeran,

    I thought I knew it would be hard for you, but not that hard. Keep fighting the good fight and stick to your principles.
