Friday, September 9, 2011

A new class of bullies!

Everyone talks about being bullied at school, and while that is definitely not any fun, think about being bullied by the people that you love the most... YOUR FAMILY!

I want to address this issue and say how impressed I am that someone from such a conservative family can find the strength to talk about being gay and the fear his family has about his homosexuality.

First off, I will say that I'm very lucky! For the most part I have a wonderful and supportive family. I have great relationships with my parents, my cousins, aunts and uncles, and especially my brother and his family. In fact if I had known how they were going to react to me coming out, I probably wouldn't have waited as long as I did.

However, I have friends that are literally scared of their parents. My heart breaks for them! One friend in particular, who is a college student, and his parents hold him hostage with money. Saying things like, "I hate to see this person that you're developing into!" and, "Don't expect anymore help from us financially if you continue down this path!" I've held his hand as he has cried and tried to come to terms with his situation.

I have one friend, who after coming out, drove away from his house as his grandfather fired a shotgun at his car! I admire my friends who cope and thrive in the face of this because I'm not sure I could have done it.
When I came out I was trying to prepare myself for the "what if I lose everything?".... my friends, family, job, and luckily none of that happened.

So for those of you who are "strong in the faith" please continue to be supportive and caring for your friend's who need you the most! After all we never know when an understanding ear, or a "hang in there, it get's better!" might actually give someone the strength to get through one more day.


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