Tuesday, June 28, 2011

GOProud?? Give me a friggin break!

 I just for the life of me can't understand why anyone would want to be part of an organization that hates everything  you stand for and represent!

GOProud is a faction of the Republican Party. They didn't want to be affiliated with Log Cabin Republicans because they are just to damn liberal. Take a look at their website. At the time I was writing this they had posts supporting Ann Coulter and New Jersey Gov Chris Christie saying gays shouldn't be allowed to get married. Are you kidding me??? Why????

Ann Coulter has used the word "faggot" publicly multiple times and would be the last person I would think of as a spokesperson for a gay group. I hope a member of GOProud reads this and can explain to me why they hate themselves so badly that they would push to oust politicians who are publicly supporting LGTB issues. Do you not want to marry the love of your life? Are you to irresponsible to handle a marriage? Do you think that being gay is a legitimate reason for being fired from your job? Please help me understand why you feel this way!

I just don't get it! Like many Wyoming citizens I grew up in conservative family and as a teen and young adult I identified as a Republican. I didn't really explore issues into any depth, I just knew what mom and dad were talking about and thought... "we'll, they're smart, I guess I'll go along for the ride." However once I grew a brain and a backbone and realized I didn't need anyone to tell me what to think, and especially after I came out, I have to admit that I felt a little ashamed to be affiliated with a group that, for the most part, can't stand how my brain and DNA are wired.

This post is a result of an article I read in The Advocate written by Michelangelo Signorile. Michel hosts a radio show on Sirius/XM. I was a guest on his show this spring talking about HB74 and SJ5. He is a wonderful advocate for the gay rights movement, and if you're not listening to his show, you should be! (even though he spelled my name wrong.)

So here again I ask, especially if you are gay, what makes you affiliate with this party? Maybe someone can explain it to me in a way that I can wrap my little brain around?? Because right now I'm very confuzzled!!



  1. Jeran,

    A couple weeks ago I pointed out that others with same-sex attractions differ with you on a variety of issues concerning LGBT matters.

    I assumed you understood that not all who have same-sex attractions are in full agreement on all matters within the LGBT community. After all, isn’t the clarion call of the movement diversity? It would seem that the type of diversity you are in favor of isn’t really diversity at all. It is beginning to look something more like your way or no way. It seems like all those who have a different view than you are considered your enemy. That is truly the sign of an open minded free thinking individual who favors diversity.

    Salt and Light Perspective,

  2. Once again Marc you totally missed the entire point of the blog post! And you're not fooling anyone by pretending that you some how are embracing diversity. You are a hateful bigot and your blog has links with the Family Research Council. This group is officially listed as hate group with the Southern Poverty Law Center! Not that you even understand what that means, your earlier posts clearly show you have no concept of what it takes to be listed as a hate group. Gay rights and Gay marriage are coming and they're coming to your town and state. I will fight with my blood sweat and tears to make sure we have victory in the state!!! deal with it!

  3. Oh I forgot to ask Marc, are you a member of GOProud?

  4. It’s okay Jeran, you are certainly entitled to your opinion and to take the steps you believe necessary to advance your cause. I fully support the rights we hold as American citizens to lobby for our interests.

    What puzzles me is how “equality” is achieved in applying your particular kind of “diversity”. I will be interested to see how the LGBT community reconciles this as time goes on.

    Salt and Light Perspective,

  5. I spent a little time exploring Marc Smith's links and blog posts. Decidedly Radical Religious Right with no tolerance at all for gays and lesbians and "Cafeteria Christians." On that latter issue, I'm guilty as charged but even worse -- a "Cafeteria Catholic." Mr. Smith hearts Kendell Kroeker, one of the looniest of the Natrona County Republican legislators in the most recent legislative session. Mr. Smith hearts WyWatch, too -- we've seen their hatred in action in the halls of the Capitol.

    One thing about Mr. Smith -- he's a dedicated blogger and user of Facebook. Busy, busy. It will take a lot of work by Wyoming Progressives to counter his activities. So keep on blogging and fighting the good fight, Jeran. Heck, you grew up in Platte County -- you know how bad it can get when we don't speak up against intolerance.
