Thursday, May 10, 2012

Playing politics....

So, yesterday I was blogging about having a rough day and of course the day ended up being not only good, but great! You might even say super duper amazing!

You probably weren't on this planet if you missed the president's announcement that he has evolved into fully supporting marriage equality. This is wonderful news and the timing couldn't have been better.

What really amazes me is how many people are trying to spin this negatively! I've had comments on my FB page saying, "he's just trying to buy votes," and "what a politician, he should have done this his first term," Fox news called him a "flip flopper!"

Wow.... really? Folks, this is progress!!! Of course many of us wanted this much sooner, but now calling him names?? Why do we have to play politics with this?

I think we all know where this is headed and I truly believe we will see marriage equality in all 50 states within our lifetime! To win this war we need Republican and Democrats to come together.  When I lobby I have to check my own political beliefs at the door because we have Republican and Democratic supporters and friends.

Can we please stop calling this a partisan issue and view it as RIGHT VS. WRONG!!

I don't care if you like or dislike Obama, he is correct is his stance on marriage equality and Mitt Romney is wrong!  Where will you stand?  History is being rewritten even as we speak!  Will you be apologizing to your grand kids some day??



  1. I am not a gay man, but I admire blogs like yours. I believe in a world full of hate, what gives someone the right to deprive anyone the opitunity to love. The same is happening in Australia. Take strengh that the future has already happened it is unevenly destributed. Hopefuly the pain and suffering will end soon Best wishes and keep blogging, it is one more step to freedom. Greetings from Australia. Great blog.

  2. Hi Jeran.
    It is great to find your blog after twenty three years since we were in hischool together (sort of, i was only a foreign exchange student from Switzerland).
    I really congratulate you to your president. He really got balls and I think you are asking the right questions about him: Why do we have to play politics with this? View it as right vs. wrong.
    If you look at the past four years, he has an amazing track record to show.
    First of all, the USA still exist and the majority of people have a life and a job. When he took office in 2008 world economy was in free fall, triggered by the US real estate crisis. Our greedy swiss banks played a saddening roll in it. In the mean time he has forced our country into some very uncomfortable treaties and compromises, which today makes it almost impossible for rich US citizens to go hide their money on a Swiss bank account and not pay any taxes on it. Bad for the banks and for the rich and super rich. Neither the Swiss banks nor the wealthy American citizens liked it. But for the majority of people we went to high school with and who never had a Swiss bank account, this is beneficial, no matter what party they vote for.
    So there is your question again: Right vs. Wrong, just forget about the politics around it. Check if it is beneficial to your own self, wether it keeps more money in your wallet and gives you a surplus of equality and freedom in your everyday life!
    Have a wonderful weekend and say hello to WYO.
    Martin from switzerland
