Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fighting the war on ignorance and stupid!

I hope everyone got to read the letters to the editor and opinion page in the Cheyenne paper today.  Seems to be perfect timing to continue our discussion on what the bible does and does not say about certain things.

Before we delve into that, there was another letter from Tom Lindsey. This is the gentleman who has written repeatedly to the paper about how horrible, evil, and wrong homosexuals are; and his letter today certainly didn’t disappoint.

He called homosexuals perverts four separate times, and said the legislators allowed us to get our feet in the door so that we could demand further concessions down the road. He went on to say how our behavior violates the laws of nature.

I’m tired of people saying that I’m not natural, and only relationships between a man and a woman are sacred. You know what? I tried to be with a woman, and for me that’s not natural!! I can’t explain it any simpler than that. My brain, my DNA, my heart and soul are wired in such a way that the only time I do actually feel natural is to be with another man. For me it’s comfortable, it’s right, and it’s beautiful! And I don’t want to change or repent from my “evil” ways!

He also talks about the fact that perverted homosexuals lack the ability to produce future citizens. I’ve heard many people who oppose gay marriage and civil unions talk about this. I wonder if they think the only reason a man and a woman should get married is to procreate? We need to be asking these folks; what we should then do with straight people who are infertile or sterile? What do we do with folks who get married and are too old to have children? What do we do with straight people who simple don't want to get married?  I submit to you that all of us are not placed on this earth for the sole purpose of procreation.

Tomorrow I want to blog about chaplain L. Dale Johnston’s opinion article that was also included in today’s Wyoming Tribune Eagle. If you get a chance, read it. I hope it gets you as fired up as it did me. In his letter he calls my friend, Reverend Rodger McDaniel blasphemous. He also says, “We had better take God’s word literally because there are no contradictions or errors in it.” Finally, he says, “the King James translation (of the bible) can be trusted to be God’s revelation of truth to mankind.”

I can’t wait to talk about all those things tomorrow; and I’d love to hear your thoughts as well.



  1. Literalists! There's no talking to them! I cannot, for the life of me, understand how they can believe the bible is the literal word of God?!

  2. I want to throw out there that if our sole purpose *is* to procreate, then marriage is a pretty ineffective way to go about it. In the wild, animals take several mates to ensure the strongest and most offspring. Choosing just one partner? Nah. So, pretty much, if you look at it that way, having children is just irrelevant when it comes to marriage.

  3. FYI: Tom Lindsey is on the WyWatch Board and also writes the ads you can hear on 650 KGAB called "Did you Know?" The link is here:

  4. Thanks Tim, I had no idea he did this! We need to be doing the same thing for our cause.
