Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mental Growing Pains

I have to admit when I was in high school, "Growing Pains" was one of my favorite TV shows. Namely because of Kirk Cameron. I had quite the crush on him!

It's funny how the minute some people open their mouths they become extremely unattractive and undesirable. This is what has happened to Kirk Cameron for me.

Check out the comments this wonderful, loving, caring Christian has made on the Piers Morgan Show. Did you catch the part where he called us homosexuals "unnatural, detrimental, and destructive?"  Again, probably something you would hear Jesus saying had he been sitting in the same seat as Cameron. Right??

Who do you think you are to tell the rest of civilization what's "natural?"  For me being with another man feels natural, healthy, and right. I've been in a heterosexual marriage and for me it felt extremely unnatural, unhealthy, and was painfully uncomfortable. I can't summarize it in any other way!

So you don't believe in gay marriage.. THEN DON'T GET ONE!  But you need to accept the fact that my brain and DNA are wired completely differently than yours! It's called diversity and it makes this planet unique! I'm grateful to live in a place where not everyone has to believe and act in one particular way.

I'm extremely happy! I have a wonderful relationship with a man that makes me smile every time I think about him. So don't you dare tell me that this relationship is not natural! I'm flourishing, my daughter is flourishing, and I can't speak for my boyfriend, but he seems quite happy as well! None of my friends would consider our relationship destructive or detrimental to anyone or anything.

Mr. Cameron your rhetoric is detrimental and destructive to those of us who know better, and especially to those who have not yet found their courage or voice to live a life that feels healthy and natural!

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