Wednesday, November 30, 2011

you can come, just don't bring your boyfriend!

A conversation that took place between two of my gay friends a few days back;

Hi Mom!

Hi Sweetie, how's it going?

Good, so I think _______ (my bf)  and I are going to come over for Christmas...

Oh honey, you can come, but my husband, Ignorant Dumbass, doesn't know your gay, and might get offended if you bring ______ (your bf)..


Sorry, We just can't do that!

Yeah, well I have to call a bullshit! Things are not going to change until people start standing up to their loved ones about who they are, and share the fact that they love their gay family members unconditionally. If you have a son, who happens to be so gay that he shits glitter, and don't think your husband knows about it... well then I'm sorry, you are the ignorant one!

I view this as an opportunity to educate and build tolerance, yet this woman has chosen to maintain the status quo, pass up an opportunity for growth, and drive a wedge deeper into a family situation that should be healing instead of fracturing.

Yes... I'm very pissed!



  1. EXACTLY. The "so and so doesn't know you're gay" line is not going to work anymore. They fucking know. It's now their obligation to admit that they know and they are really just a homophobic jerk and we'll start from there.

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