Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Public Support of Gay Marriage is a Mirage??

Yesterday's Wyoming Tribune Eagle had an opinion piece from the organization "Traditional Values Coalition," who also happen to be officially listed by Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group, about how public opinion is not really swaying towards marriage equality but is rather a "mirage" manifested by "activist judges" who are completely ignoring and trampling the "rights of those who oppose same sex unions."

(WY Tribune Eagle doesn't have the piece listed on their website but I found the exact same opinion piece here, apparently it ran in several "well respected publications" yesterday.)

So let me get this straight (I'm sorry but that's a hard thing for me to do!) I'm the one that is trampling on the rights of heterosexual couples??  Really???

The author of this opinion piece is none other than Andrea Lafferty who happens to be the president of this hate group. She must be so proud! In the very first paragraph she says New York's marriage equality bill was just one more step to establish "yet another civil right."

Oh my god!! How terrible! America doesn't need any more civil rights....right?? For crying out loud, wasn't giving Women and African American's civil rights already enough! We don't need to give anymore American's anymore rights than what we've already given. Stop it already!

But wait, there's more! Here's my favorite paragraph, "What same-sex marriage proponents strain to portray as a wave of enlightenment is just smoke and mirrors trickery employed to disguise a grand scam in the public square"

Hmmmm... well said me lady! Couldn't have said it better meself! Marriage equality didn't really happen in New York, it was merely our "grand scam" cooked up by magician David Copperfield to try and trick the public into thinking that one of the most populous states in the union decided two people who love each other should be allowed to get married, even if they are of the same sex!

Finally Lafferty wraps up her brilliant opinion piece with this bold statement, "Washington's power knows neither checks nor balances."  But then, in the very next paragraph quotes a whackadoodle representative from Iowa who say's "It is not the role of the executive branch to determine what is and is not constitutional" Its role, he concluded, "is to execute and uphold the laws that Congress enacts."

Sounds like someone needs a short history lesson on what checks and balances actually means!

For more whackadoodle ideas please visit Tradition Values Coalition's home page to find out why LGTB rights shouldn't be taught in schools, and how the UN is planning on seizing Jerusalem, and why we should be terrified of all Muslims, and sooooooooo much more!!!


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